Lab 2023

Lab 2023

Brain Photo

Cool stuff in the INI!

Lab Photo

Parker Lab 2022 - Back row: Nathan Cremers, Luke Zaabel, Parker Abbott, Lilian Montilla, Hunter Halverson. Front row: Ainsley Rothgeb, Jessica Purnell, Krystal Parker, Victoria Muller Ewald, Jenna Yang

Lab Photo

Society for Neuroscience Friends of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute Party 2019 - Adler Planetarium, Chicago Il. Kelsey Heslin, Jessica Lewis, Krystal Parker, Ben De Corte, Parker Abbott.

Conference photo

Cerebellar Gordon Research Conference 2019, Les Diablerts Switzerland. Hunter Halverson, Kelsey Heslin, Sean Farley, and Parker Abbott.

Lab Photo
Lab Photo

Society for Neuroscience Parker Lab Dinner 2018 - Pier Cafe, San Diego. Top: Eric Emmons, Parker Abbott, Kelsey Heslin, Krystal Parker, Ben De Corte, Jonah Heskje, Sean Farley. Bottom: Ben De Corte, Sean Farley, Jonah Heskje, Parker Abbott, Eric Emmons, Kelsey Heslin.

Lab Photo

Parker Lab Holiday Party 2018! - Left to Right: Jonah Heskje, Parker Abbott, Hunter Halverson, Jessica Lewis, Krystal Parker, Ben De Corte, Kelsey Heslin.

Lab Photo

Bidding our 2018 summer students farewell! - Left to Right: Back Row - Hunter Halverson, Kaitlyn Mesa, Kyle Walsh, Ryan Williams. Front Row - Erin Chang, Krystal Parker, Kelsey Heslin, Parker Abbott, Sophie Nopoulos

Boat photo

INI summer boating day 2017 - Krystal Parker, Jonah Heskje, Kyle Walsh.